Thursday, June 11, 2009

herez an update on wats been happening with the video project...
Nothing...thats right, absolutely nothing.
I am beginning to doubt the advice about 'writing down your goals will motivate you into finishing it'

yesterday, after much that, i dragged myself to iMovie and fired upt he app. And, there was nothing. No video. I could not find any of the 40 or so clips i had shot for this project.None of it.

Turns out, i placed all the source clips into Final Cut Pro's (another mac app) working folder and when i uninstalled it with Zapper (it cleans out anything related to the app being zapped) deleted the videos as well.
Later i found out, abt 5 of them were saved in iMovie's cache. It was my luckiest day.

today morning, i started fileSavage and began retrieving deleted files. Hopefully, the data was not replaced already in my macbook's HDD.

Golden Rule 1:
Always Back up your source data.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lets Start

Just readd this thing about motivating oneself. Among other things one can do to not loose the initial urge for accomplishing something eventually leading to failure, the article mentioned I should maintain, sort of, a journal the chronicles every step and mis-steps in achieving my goal. Seems corny, but WTH?!

So I recently though of doing a video project, right. A significant amount of principle photography (that’s cinema talk for shooting video) is done and I need to do quite a bit of editing. I started enthusiasticaly with Final cut pro, then after encountering technical difficulties shifted to final cut express which had similar problems and now ive landed back to my trusted iMovie (HD not the 08 one, I hate it). Does any body know whats the deal with Final Cut’s ‘red bar’ deal on the time line. I import mp4, mpg, avi files to the app, and set the scenario settings to perfectly match the clip setting and then video either never plays,or there is the red bar or even worse, the video is extremely choppy in both canvas and normal view. Anyway, I think I’ll have to settle with iMovie for now.

I madea resolution to work on the editing last weekend and got off to a flying start and finished upto 10 sec and then took a break. Now I cant get back. Few days ago I made resolution that I’ll work on it for atleast one hour everyday and until this moment I have put in ZERO hours.

Hopefully this technique will put me back on track. Lets see.

Take care now.